Made of PVC slats that are woven with 1.70 mm thick galvanized wire hooks. They also have a plastic terminal and head.
They are supplied with a plastic pulley and brake by default, although they can be requested with metal accessories.
The walnut, imitation wood and green colors have the corners of the same color as terminal.
Custom manufacturing adjusted to finished widths in 0, 2, 5 and 8, for example 90, 92, 95 and 98 cm width. They can be made to exact measurements, upon express request.
Minimum manufacturing width: 40 cm
Maximum manufacturing width: 200 cm.

Made of pine wood slats that are woven with 1.60 mm thick galvanized wire hooks.
They are supplied with a plastic pulley and brake by default, although they can be requested with metal accessories.
Available in natural, painted or varnished finish.
Custom manufacturing adjusted to widths finished in 0, 2, 5 and 7, for example, 90, 92, 95 and 97 cm width. They can be made to exact measurements, upon express request.
Wooden ‘alicantinas’ require maintenance and cleaning to extend their useful life.
Minimum manufacturing width: 40 cm.
Maximum manufacturing width: 200 cm.

Los rollos de persiana alicantina de PCV se fabrican en unidades de 14 m. de largo.
Se sirven en medidas de ancho estándar terminadas en 0, 2, 5 y 8. Consultar previamente para anchos con diferente terminación, ya que puede haber variaciones debido al paso de los ganchos.
Montantes, remates y listones se sirven en barras de 4 m. Cortes a medida personalizada bajo pedido
Los rollos de persiana alicantina de madera se fabrican en unidades de 10 m.
Se sirven en medidas de ancho estándar terminadas en 0, 2, 5 y 7. Consultar previamente para anchos con diferente terminación, ya que puede haber variaciones debido al paso de los ganchos.
Montantes, remates y listones se sirven en barras de 4m. Cortes a medida personalizada bajo pedido